Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Statistical Analysis (FINAL) Unit 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistical Analysis (FINAL) Unit 5 - Essay Example Through the groups formed we intend to find out if age is a factor that affects job satisfaction or not. Using the central measures of tendency, mean mode and median we therefore can determine the variation in job satisfaction. From the mean; we want to determine the average value of the observations in the intrinsic ,extrinsic and overall job satisfaction. This gives us a picture of where we expect the values of the different observations to lie. From the results, of the findings we have 5.336 as the mean for the intrinsic ,4.54 for the extrinsic and 4.352 for the overall job satisfaction mean. All this values of the findings lie centrally placed when compared to other observations in the data. The median gives a picture of where the central value of all the observations I the data lie. From this we have the values,5.4, 5.75, and 4.63 for the median of the overall observations ad finally the extrinsic observations, intrinsic observations in that order. These values when keenly looked at are close to the mid values in the observations in the data. The mode also gives us the values that appear most times in the data. From this data we learn that the mode is 6.8, 5.33 and 8 for the overall values, intrinsic and extrinsic value s in that order. The mode is almost the central value for all the observations. From the measures of central tendency, we see that using age as a grouping factor we find that the results gi

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